I have reached an age in which the past takes up a much larger portion of my lifetime than does the future. From time to time, I find myself examining my past for guidance as I continue into my approaching years. When COVID arrived and changed so many aspects of our lives, these reflections on life and the process of aging started to occur more frequently. As an artist, I looked to my work as a means to manage this COVID anxiety and sense of isolation. I recognized that this preoccupation with aging could serve as a way to think about concepts explored in previous projects: passage of time, memory and memories, fears and anxieties. This work, which once seemed fully resolved, finished and in the past, could become the source material for the creation of new work. My choice to limit myself to using only my existing images, served as a personal retrospective. Intuitively reworking and combining previous imagery could reveal new connections within the various themes, as well as point toward new directions for further explorations.

These final images are not narratives, but rather fragments residing at the cusp of conscious thought. They represent my process, as I look back to consider my life.